Departure Bay Neighbourhood Association was formed in the spring of 2000 with the following mandate
• to identify issues affecting the Departure Bay Neighbourhood, and produce and promote solutions devised in the neighbourhood.
• to develop a sense of community awareness
• to provide a forum for neighbours to get to know one another
The Association is registered as a non profit organization under the Societies Act of British Columbia. As such we are required to have an elected Board, hold annual elections that are open to all members in good standing and file a yearly financial report with the Provincial Government.
Membership continues to increase and currently stands at approximately 130 families, residing mainly in the Departure Bay, Sherwood Forest and Lynburn portions of Nanaimo, British Columbia.
The Association strives to create a sense of community through the preparation of a community newsletter, by organizing community events, by hosting an annual general meeting, and open meetings on topics of interest to the community.
Membership is open to all of those residing or owning property in the Departure Bay area. Those with a special interest in the area are also welcome. We charge a nominal membership fee of $10 per year per family. This helps to cover the costs associated with preparing and distributing newsletters, holding meetings, etc. If you would like to join, either mail or drop off your contact information (name, address, phone number and email) along with $10 to the address on the contact page. Alternatively you can email your contact information and etransfer your $10 to
Executive meetings are typically held on a monthly basis in members’ homes.
Please feel free to cantact Members of the Exective if you have any issues that need to be discussed.
Current executive are:
June Bogle
Claudia Boyce
Amelia Mahony
Kylie Oussoren
Michael Mills
Chuck Easton
We can all be contacted through the gmail address on the contact page.